8. Love yourself so much that when someone treats you wrong, you recognize it — Rena 爱你自己。即使是当有人没能好好待你的时候,你要意识到这一点。——蕾娜 9. The best way to...
4. I overreacted. 我反应过激了。 5. I see you're in a tough position. 我知道你的处境艰难。 6. I can see my part in this. 这个问题,我有错。 7. I hadn't thought of it that wa...
3. -\- What is it that you really like to do? -\- Eat. It's what I like to do. -\- I know, I know. I know. I know. And you are so good at it. Look at you! 4. -\- You're being a...
John: What a touching story! Everything here charms me a lot. I can't tear myself away from here. 故事太感人了!这里的一切都令我着迷,让人流连忘返。 重点句子轻松学 11.It seems as if they are telling a story to tourists. 他们仿佛在给游人讲述着故事。
That is a very brave proposal. 嘴上说: 这个提议很大胆。 内心戏: You are insane. 你真是有病。 I almost agree. 嘴上说: 我大体赞同。 内心戏: I don't agree at all. 根本不同意好...
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